Risk Oriented Faith

God’s Word invites us to seek out opportunities for spiritual conversations. That’s risky!  Therefore, we are inviting our church family to commit to prayerfully seeking out spiritual conversations through our guide every day.

The easiest push back on something like this is, “I need more training.”  It would be normal to try to get as many people as possible to go through training, read a book, take a class, and then meet throughout the year but we think every follower of Jesus has spiritual opportunities all around us, therefore, we just need the Holy Spirit to help us to see those opportunities.  Here’s a simple process to help anyone get started:  (Have other resources to recommend?  Email [email protected])

1. Will the Lord give me an open heart to seek out spiritual conversations?


2. Who are my people? Who are the people He brings into my life today?


3. Who are two people I could pray for today? (internally or externally)

  • Simple exercise?  Write down the name of two people you see throughout the week / month and start praying for them by name!  


4. Who is someone that I could share my testimony with today? (30 seconds or 30 minutes)


5. Who is someone I could invite to worship today?

  • Simple exercise?  Is there anyone you can invite to worship at North Village Church this Sunday?


6. Who is someone I could have a gospel conversation with today?



How it Works:

Are you willing to ask the Lord to help you grow in a Risk Oriented Faith?  Fill out the form to the right to let us know if you have any questions and make that commitment today!


North Village Church

2203 W Anderson Ln
Ste B
Austin, TX 78757-1223

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