Confidence: His Faithfulness

July 21, 2024

Series: Confidence

Book: Joshua

This is a part of a sermon series on the book of Joshua. You can watch more here.


Sermon Manuscript

I am sure everyone’s head is spinning from all the political news this last week. Was it the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, Democrats, Republicans; I get it, it’s a lot, so, we need to focus!

Listen, we’ve been training for these types of distractions the last few years. Pandemic, riots, border crossings; we can do this!

And it’s not that these things in the news aren’t important but the Lord isn’t asking us to solve the Trump Assassination Attempt.

But the Lord is asking us to follow Him. The Lord is asking us to build our lives on Him. The Lord is asking us to tend to our hearts, serve our families, serve our neighbors, and make disciples. Amen?

God’s Word is going to speak to us this morning because we have been in this season of global distractions the last 8-10 years. Every week there is a new firestorm that wants to drain our energy, take our focus, fill us with fear but we need to stay focused and it’s hard to stay focused for 8-10 years. It’s hard!

Illustration: You know those moments you have had to drive on the interstate in really strong rain? Your hands are gripped on the wheel. Your arms are flexed the whole time trying to make sure your tires stay on the road.

Your windshield wipers can’t work fast enough to keep water off the windshield, so that when you get home you are exhausted, because it’s you had to stay focused the whole drive.

In a similar way, the last 8-10 years we have been driving through a hurricane and that’s hard but in our passage this morning we see God’s Word encouraging the people of Israel to stay focused.

The nation of Israel has come into the land, the promise of Genesis 12 has been fulfilled, but the work isn’t over, so that Joshua gathers the people together for some encouragement. Let’s look at Joshua 23:1-2:

Joshua 23:1-2, “1 Now it came about after many days, when the Lord had given rest to Israel from all their enemies on every side, and Joshua was old, advanced in years, 2 that Joshua called for all Israel, for their elders and their heads and their judges and their officers, and said to them, “I am old, advanced in years.”

Remember in Joshua 13 when the Lord tells Joshua, “You are old and advanced in years?” Joshua is even older now.

Israel has entered into the land. The tribes of Israel have started to take portions of the land, so that Joshua gathers the nation of Israel for a closing charge of encouragement.

This is our first principle of our passage this morning. Remember, we’ve talked about how we can’t take 1-1 application from Old Testament narrative. We aren’t Israel. We aren’t at war with the Canaanites.

Instead we want to look for principles that are true at all times for all people and all places, so that our first principle in our passage is REFELCTING ON GOD’S PAST FAITHFULNESS. Look at verse 3:

Joshua 23:3, “3 And you have seen all that the Lord your God has done to all these nations because of you, for the Lord your God is He who has been fighting for you.”

Do you see the verb tense in verse 3 is “has been?” It is past tense. It is a reminder of how the Lord has been faithful to the people of Israel through the crossing of the Jordan River, the defeat of Jericho, the sin of Achin, the deception of the Gibeonites, the southern kings, the sun standing still, the northern kings, so that God’s Word is teaching us the importance of REFELCTING ON GOD’S PAST FAITHFULNESS.

This is especially true when we are going through seasons of difficulty because what happens when something chaotic happens in our life?

Immediately we start playing out worst case scenario. Is this beginning of the end? Am I going to lose my job? Is our economy going to collapse? Is my spouse going to leave me?

When we forget the faithfulness of God in our past, we are going to forget the power of God distant in our present. Does that make sense? Write that down. When we forget the faithfulness of God in our past, we are going to forget the power of God distant in our present.

Listen to me, I think you could make the argument that we don’t have an anxiety problem, we don’t have an addiction problem, we don’t have a sexual immorality problem, we don’t have a despair problem; we have a forget problem. Amen?

We forget about the faithfulness of God. We forget He spoke creation into existence. Look at the mountains, the seas, the waves crashing into the shore and remember in the beginning the earth was formless and void until He said, “Let there be light.”

We forget He holds all things in His hands. We forget He conquered death. We forget He set the captives free. We forget our thinking was once clouded in darkness. We forget we were once orphans and we were adopted, we were rescued from domains of darkness and ushered into the Kingdom of His beloved Son. We forget!

Did you notice in verse 3 Joshua doesn’t give credit to Israel? Israel isn’t the hero of the story. Verse 3 says, “You have seen all that the LORD YOUR GOD HAS DONE.”

Joshua sees the people of Israel has been running hard after the Lord for 25-years. Joshua knows the ups and downs they have walked through for 25-years and gathers the people so as to say, “Look at what the LORD HAS DONE.”

Listen to me, I think it’s possible some of us could be in a place of discouragement. It might be the political context. It might be our career. It might be character flaws that keep popping up over and over and God’s Word is teaching us the importance to, “Look at what the LORD HAS DONE.”

It isn’t ignoring the challenges. In September our church in Austin will celebrate 15-years as a church family and sometimes I can get discouraged because I think, “15-years, surely, we could have done more in 15-years?”

There are some of us in the room who have been there from the beginning. There are many of who have walked with us the last 10-years. It’s hard to fight for a church family for 10-15 years. It’s easy to focus on the discouragements but God’s Word is teaching us the importance of REMEMBERING WHAT THE LORD HAS DONE.

North Village Church in Austin started with an idea the Lord put on my heart. That idea became a reality, which is a miracle in and of itself, and 15-years later we’re still here. That’s amazing!

Over the last 15-years the Lord has brought men and women through our doors to hear His Word, the Lord has moved people to give money, time and energy, the Lord has raised up men and women to serve Him in our city, in other states and other countries for His glory, but I don’t get there unless I REFELCTING ON GOD’S PAST FAITHFULNESS.

We need to do this at the church level, we need to do this at the family level, we need to do this at the individual level because it’s so easy to focus on the challenges in life.

It’s so easy to forget the good things the Lord has done in our life. We need moments in our day, moments in our life where we are REFELCTING ON GOD’S PAST FAITHFULNESS. Look at verses 4-5:

Joshua 23:4-5, “4 See, I have apportioned to you these nations which remain as an inheritance for your tribes, with all the nations which I have cut off, from the Jordan even to the Great Sea toward the setting of the sun. 5 The Lord your God, He will thrust them out from before you and drive them from before you; and you will possess their land, just as the Lord your God promised you.”

In verses 4-5 Joshua is transitioning from what the Lord has DONE to what the Lord WILL DO. Do you see that in verses 4-5?

The verb tense changes from past tense to future tense, “He will thrust them out.” The Lord will finish. Israel will take full possession of the land, so that we want to REFLECT ON GOD’S PAST FAITHFULNESS and in verses 4-5 we want to REMEMBER WHAT GOD HAS PROMISED.

Remember, the major cities have been conquered but there are still villages and towns that the tribes of Israel are responsible for and they are struggling to finish, so that Joshua is calling the people of Israel to REMEMBER WHAT GOD HAS PROMISED.

Today, we have to be careful with the promises of God because there are some promises that are just for Israel in the Old Testament that don’t apply to all people.

Remember, we’re not Israel in the Old Testament that is going to bring a blessing to the whole earth, so we can’t take all these promises and apply them to ourselves today.

Instead we want to look for promises that are true for all times, all places, and all who are in Christ. Here are just a few:

In Christ, we have the promise of eternal life. (Romans 1:16-17). Our life on earth isn’t just hiccups and challenges. Our hope isn’t just vacations and parties. We have eternal life in Christ! That’s a promise to all who are in Christ.

In Christ, we have access to the Father. (John 1:12-13) We get access to the One who is in control of all things. We are ushered into His presence. We have the ear of our Heavenly Father, so that when we are hit with challenges in life we can cry out to Him!

In Christ, we have security and stability. (John 15:16) We didn’t choose Him. He chose us. He chose to call us His. He laid down His life for us. He conquered death for us. Yes, there are hardships today but why would He stop now? That’s a promise!

In Christ, we are forgiven. (Romans 8:33) We don’t have to carry guilt and shame. We don’t have to wallow in darkness. We don’t have to beat ourselves up and put ourselves every time we fail. Our sins are forgiven. We are reconciled to God. Our debts have been paid. Our condemnation has been satisfied through Christ’s death at the cross. We need to remember what God has promised!

In Christ, we are made new. (2 Corinthians 5:17). We are not only forgiven, but we are given the righteousness of Christ. We are clothed in His righteousness. We are indwelled with the Holy Spirit. We are empowered by God to persevere. We don’t have to give into temptation. We don’t have to give into despair. We don’t have to scroll every horrible event for every minute of our day. We can put the phone down because we have been given everything we need for life and godliness in Christ! That’s a promise!

In Christ, we have an advocate. (1 John 2:1-2) We’re not alone. Yes, we get tired, we get discouraged but it’s not over. We have an advocate who fights on our behalf. He fought for us at the cross. He fights for us now. And one day He will come and put an end to all fighting. That’s a promise!

In Christ, we are given the call to go and make disciples. (Matthew 28) We aren’t called to wait around until heaven. We aren’t called to get married, have kids, make money and retire on a beach. We are called to push back darkness. We are called to proclaim His truth. We are called to invite others into His Kingdom. That’s a promise!

Listen to me church family, God’s Word isn’t making light of our challenges. God’s Word is acknowledging the difficulty of life. God’s Word is acknowledging the temptation to settle, give up, cash in, check out, and become cynical, therefore, God’s Word is lifting our eyes to REMEMBER WHAT GOD HAS PROMISED.

We can pray these promises with boldness and confidence. We can trust in these promises with faith that they have happened, they are happening, and they will happen. Look at verses 6-7:

Joshua 23:6-7, “6 Be very firm, then, to keep and do all that is written in the book of the law of Moses, so that you may not turn aside from it to the right hand or to the left, 7 so that you will not associate with these nations, these which remain among you, or mention the name of their gods, or make anyone swear by them, or serve them, or bow down to them.”

In verses 6-7 we see our third and last principle of our passage which is DEVOTE OURSELVES TO THE LORD.

In verses 6-7 the charge to be DEVOTED to the Lord, “To be firm, to keep all that is written in the book of the law” because there are distractions from other nations remaining in the land.

Those other nations have belief systems, values, influences and in a similar way there are going to be distractions in our life today.

This is just a fact, there are people in our life who are going to discourage our faith in the Lord. Hiccups and challenges are going to come and they are going to try to distract us from remembering the faithfulness of God.

There are ideas in our world that we pick up through music, movies, politics, school that are going to try to distract us from trusting in the promises of God.

There are things in our life like hobbies, career, areas of interest that are beckoning us to give them our time, energy and affections instead of the Lord. Look at verses 8-9:

Joshua 23:8-9, “8 But you are to cling to the Lord your God, as you have done to this day. 9 For the Lord has driven out great and strong nations from before you; and as for you, no man has stood before you to this day.”

Look at that word “cling.” The word “cling” is an adhesive word. It is to the same idea of Genesis 2 “leave and cleave” as husband and wife become one flesh. It is soldering two pieces together, so that God’s Word is teaching us to turn from the influences of this world and CLING to Him. Let’s just talk through what that looks like practically.

Gathering for worship is an important way to “cling to the Lord.” Our time in God’s Word every day is an important time to “cling to the Lord.” Spending time with other followers of Jesus is a way to guard against the influences of this world and “cling to the Lord.”

Listen to me, it isn’t just religious habits in our weekly schedule but it is a means to mentally, emotionally, spiritually turn from the challenges, hardships, heartache, headlines and put our eyes on Him. Look at verses 10-11:

Joshua 23:10-11, “10 One of your men puts to flight a thousand, for the Lord your God is He who fights for you, just as He promised you. 11 So take diligent heed to yourselves to love the Lord your God.”

Remember, Joshua knows the people of Israel are tired, he knows they have been battling the ups and downs of life for 25-years, so that again Joshua is lifting their eyes to focus on the glory of God.

It is the Lord who fights for you. It is the Lord who makes one of your men like a thousand men, so that Joshua calls the people of Israel to DEVOTE THEMSELVES TO THE LORD.

I wish I could tell you that everything is going to be okay. I wish I could tell you the United States will last forever, our economy will be great, our children will be healthy, and we will all get everything we want in life.

I can’t. God’s Word doesn’t teach us that but God’s Word does teach us to remember His faithfulness in the past, remember His promises and devote ourselves to the Lord because look at the warning in verses 12-13:

Joshua 23:12-13, “12 For if you ever go back and cling to the rest of these nations, these which remain among you, and intermarry with them, so that you associate with them and they with you, 13 know with certainty that the Lord your God will not continue to drive these nations out from before you; but they will be a snare and a trap to you, and a whip on your sides and thorns in your eyes, until you perish from off this good land which the Lord your God has given you.”

Notice the word “cling” is repeated again in verse 12, so that Israel is either “clinging to the nations of this world” or they are “clinging to the Lord” and if Israel “clings to the nations of the world” there are consequences.

Just to be clear, obviously, today we don’t need to be concerned about inter-racial marriage in verse 12. I know people have used verses like this throughout history to speak against inter-racial marriage, but that’s silly. That’s what happens when you try to make Old Testament narrative 1-1 application.

Even the context of verses 12-16 are a warning that is specific to the nation of Israel, so that the principle that is true at all times, places and people is that we need to be on guard against distractions.

We need to be aware of how we are influenced by people, ideas, and things. We need to know that it is hard to persevere over a long period of time, so that we would take the warning of God’s Word seriously.

When we are in Christ we aren’t at risk of being kicked out of relationship with God. Please don’t miss that this morning. Our relationship with God isn’t secured by our obedience. Our relationship with God is securely through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.

But, in Christ, we can become so influenced by the ways of this world that we lose a closeness with God. We can lose boldness. We can lose courage. We can lose clarity in our thinking and we can start to feel small, fragile, and fearful about life.

You need to know we have an enemy that wants us to feel small, fragile and fearful about life. We have an enemy that wants us to forget God’s faithfulness, forget God’s promises, therefore, we need to take God’s Word seriously.

North Village Church

This sermon is brought to you by North Village Church, a non-denominational church in Austin. established in 2009 and built around Jesus and Bible teaching.

Are you looking for a church in Austin? At North Village Church we put Jesus at the center of our church family. We worship together every Sunday at 10:30am, encourage Christ centered fellowship through groups, and host special events such as Bible studies and Theological Training, to ensure that we are rooted in in God’s Word. We also serve our local community in association with several Austin based organizations.

North Village Church is made up of professionals, married couples, singles, and families who are wanting to experience the life-transforming power of Jesus. If you are a family with children or teens, we can support you with either or both our Kids Ministry and Youth Ministry.


You are welcome to contact us if you would like more information.


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