How many times have you been driving down a bumpy road and thought your car was about to fall apart?  Sometimes the car hits one of those bumps and you feel the frame of the car slam into the wheels and you are convinced your car is about to fall apart!  In those moments you need good shocks that can absorb the bumps of the road.

In the same way, life can be like those bumpy roads.  It can be a call from a doctor, an argument with your spouse, a meeting with your supervisor, a late night of waiting for that teenager to send in an update about where they are; life can get really bumpy.

How are we supposed to enjoy life if there are so many bumps in the road?  Are we supposed to move out into the middle of nowhere?  Wait!  There’s tons of bumps in the road in the middle of nowhere 🙂

Sometimes a person can become so fatigued by the challenges of life they try to reduce the amount of possibilities. We cut off friends.  We break off relationships.  We build a fortress of solitude around ourselves and still challenges in life will break in and create some bumps.  What do we do?

The universities don’t teach how to absorb those challenges.  Our careers might give us some coping skills but even our careers won’t help us when it feels like the world is being pulled out from under our feet.  Copy and paste these somewhere to help you remember:

1. Do you believe God Is Sovereign?  The word “Sovereign” means “Control.”  Do you believe God is in control of all things? Do you believe God is with you always?  What was Joseph believing when he was being betrayed by His brothers?  What did Jacob believe when he was working for a wicked uncle?  What was David believing when he was hiding in a cave after being anointed to be king?  What did Paul cling to when he was in prison, shipwrecked, beaten, bitten by snakes and left to die?  What did Jesus hold on to when the Father’s will was for Him to be spit upon, beaten and put on a cross?  It is the follower of Jesus who goes through the ups and downs of life but you keep trusting your Heavenly Father because He is in control. (Romans 8)

2. Is your ultimate hope growing in God’s glory? The Apostle Paul wrote, “The sufferings of this world are not worthy to be compared to the glory that is to be revealed.”  James teaches us to consider the sufferings of our day to be joy in light of God’s glory.  Do you glory in His glory?  Do you believe if the Lord only brought you hardship and pain in this life, He is still worthy to be praised?  Do you believe the words of Habakkuk, “Thou there be not fruit on the vine, nor food in the stall, I will exalt you!”  Do you believe what this world has to offer is not the best this life has to offer?  When you turn your trust to His glory it will carry through any pain this world has to offer.

3. Are you celebrating God’s goodness in your life today?  Right now!  You woke up this morning.  You just took a breath.  You have people in your life.  You have talents and gifts.  You have challenges to persevere!  And most of all, through faith in Jesus, He calls you His for eternity!  You might not make it to tomorrow.  You might not make it home today!  Therefore, rejoice in the Lord today!  Write down His blessings in your life.  Recount them every day.  Tell Him of all His goodness.  Hug the people around you.  Write a note of encouragement.  Send that text.  Laugh with those people.  Enjoy the work of your hands.  Why worry about tomorrow?  Instead, enjoy more today!

4. Are you putting yourself in a place to be captivated by His presence?  The glory of the Lord is around you at all times.  He hears our prayers.  He intercedes on our behalf.  He speaks encouragement into our soul.  He is our helper.  He is our comforter.  In every storm of life, He is there, He is working and He is good.

Wind and waves come in life but there is only one who rebukes the wind and the waves.  He was there with Moses.  He was there with Joseph.  He was with David.  He was next to Esther in those moments when she uttered those timeless words, “For such a time as this.”  But you need shocks to make it in this life.


North Village Church

This article was written by Pastor Michael Dennis, Lead Pastor at North Village Church; a non-denominational church in Austin, TX, established in 2009 and built around Jesus and Bible teaching.

Are you looking for a church in Austin? At North Village Church we put Jesus at the center of our church family. We worship together every Sunday at 10:30am, encourage Christ centered fellowship through groups, and host special events such as Bible studies and Theological Training, to ensure that we are rooted in in God’s Word. We also serve our local community in association with several Austin based organizations.

North Village Church is made up of professionals, married couples, singles, and families who are wanting to experience the life-transforming power of Jesus. If you are a family with children or teens, we can support you with either or both our Kids Ministry and Youth Ministry.

Check out our North Village Church calendar highlights such as our Christmas Eve Service in Austin and Easter Sunday Service.

You are welcome to contact us if you would like more information, please call (512)-623-9272 or email [email protected]